UPDATE: Apple has changed their login form quite a bit and it no longer prevents pasting into the password field. But, other sites out there still employ this tactic for some reason. So to counter that, you can install a Safari browser extension that fixes it for them too.
When you go to sign in to the Apple Developer web site, and navigate to login. You get this little innocuous login form. But unlike most login forms on the web, this one hates you. It won't let you paste anything into the password field. Some developer at Apple, in their infinite wisdom has decided to prevent such a thing.
You can see in the screenshot here taken from the HTML source for the page, they capture and prevent the "onpaste" event (and needlessly blocks cut and copy, which the browser already prevents) for that field.
I'm at a loss as to why they do this. Is there a security benefit I'm missing? If so, why does NO ONE ELSE IN THE WORLD do this? I'm sorry, but some of my passwords are lengthy and generated and I can't remember them. So, I often copy the value from my password management tool (1Password) and paste it into the password field. Except here, I cannot1. Is Apple trying to encourage short, memorable passwords that can be typed easily? Are they trying to discourage the user from copying passwords to the system clipboard? Cause they didn't prevent that; they prevented populating the value already on the clipboard into the password field. And that's not helping anybody.
Please fix that.
1 YES. I realize the 1Password Safari extension can be used to populate the fields properly, but that still doesn't excuse breaking the expected and accepted behavior of a simple login form.